Subjects: Saanma Junior School
Language Arts - Grammar, Comprehension, Composition, Reading & Phonics, Spelling & Vocabulary
Foreign Languages - Chinese, Spanish, French, Sign Language
Other - Mathematics, Penmanship, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, Science, General Knowledge, Computer Literacy (coding, web design, etc.)
Subjects: Saanma High School
Business & Technology - Principles of Business, Principles of Accounts, Office Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology, Computer Literacy - coding, web design, etc.
Foreign Languages - Chinese, Spanish, French, Sign Language
The Arts - Visual Arts, Food & Nutrition, Music, Theatre Art
Sciences - Agricultural Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Human & Social Biology, Integrated Science, Geography
Technical - Technical Drawing, Metalwork, Woodwork, Clothing & Textiles, Construction, Automotive Technology, Barbering & Hairdressing, Photography & Videography, etc.
Others - Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, History, Social Studies, Health & Family Life Education, Life Skills